Moi je fantasme sur les fumeuse je suis un fétichiste de la cigarette
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In our time, when open sexual desire is no longer something reprehensible, it is difficult to imagine that we do not know something about sex and its manifestations. And about such a kind of sexual behavior as fetishism, it has been known since time immemorial. By definition, a fetish is an object, action, or body part whose real or imagined use is necessary to satisfy sexual desires. Well, who hasn't heard about the irresistible attraction to women's legs or shoes, some underwear and just uniforms?
The site ;
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j'ai le même fétiche :)
Surtout que j'attrape le buzz quand je dure plus longtemps au lit comme ici 
Dernière modification le 27/01/2023 05:06:30 par Paimon.
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